How many times when you read the bible and see how the people of Israel screwed up get annoyed? How often do they have to mess up until they finally get it? Reading judges and seeing “the people of Isreal did evil in the eyes of the Lord” for the I don't even know how many times get mad? How could you do that you are literally God’s chosen people! He is literally guiding you and creating a great nation and you guys are too dumb to care!
Well, I do. I get so mad and irritated like I am watching a movie and the plot keeps going in circles. And then I take a step back. If someone just wrote a book about one day in the life of Rachel how many times would it say, “and she did evil in the eyes of the Lord.” How many times do I screw up and am so thankful for this thing called Grace? But then how many times do I even take that for granted? How many times do I accept it and never thank him for it? Romans 1:21 says “For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.”
I don't want that to be what I become. I don’t want a darkened heart! I need to learn to be thankful. I need to know to pray and Thank God for all the times that even after I blew it and he forgave me and loved me anyway.